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Wasaga Beach Parasail

What We Offer


Average there is a minimum weight of 180lbs/68.40Kg and a maximum of 400lbs/181.44Kg "combined". Weights can increase or decrease due to wind and Lake conditions.


Children aged four and older can participate in this activity. Women who are pregnant after the first trimester are not advised to participate in this activity. 

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Offering Parasail Charter Adventures in Wasaga Beach!

Single/Solo Parasail. $120 + HST

Tandem/Double Parasail. $180 + HST

Triple Parasail. $240 + HST

Observers upon availability also offered.

$50 + HST


We offer a $50 + HST Video Package that includes:

- a GoPro for your ride

- a MicroSD card that records two flights!(30mins of footage)

Wasaga Beach Parasail

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